Summer Wishes, Intentions, and Herbs, Oh My!

All Earth holidays are pivot points, times of power, when the gates swing open between the worlds of Spirit and Earth, openings that can lead to personal and social transformation. Summer Solstice brings the peak of the power of light — an opportunity to cultivate your dreams and desires. Let the light of Summer empower your inner-strength, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and courage.

Fire up your passion, ecstasy and joy!

2023 Summer Solstice

The height of light

The darkest night

We celebrate

In sheer delight

Dancing witches

Throwing Kisses

Dreaming Blisses

Making Wishes

Happy Summer Solstice to you!

Dream the life you wish to be living
Dream the world you wish to be living in
Now is the time to invoke the assistance of all our allies, seen and unseen, to help us re-envision and re-design how we are living on this beautiful world of ours, individually and collectively.

Drink one or more of the following
magical herbs, dried as tea, to help you dream:

(Artemisia vulgaris)

Elder blossoms
(Sambucus spp.)

(Rosa spp.)

(Tilia spp.)

Lemon verbena
(Aloysia citrodora)

Burn* one or more of the following
dried herbs to help you create a sacred space:

*Or make a tea and put it in a spray bottle if you want a substitute for smoke.

(Artemisia vulgaris)

Sweet grass
(Hierochloe odorata)

Sweet yellow clover
(Melilotus officinalis)

(Lavandula spp.)

We are dreaming the world
into being every moment.

What is working for you?
What isn't?

What is authentic to you?
What isn't?

Leave behind whatever isn't truly you and
claim yourself and claim your space!

Everything in nature is supporting you to do so, and as you do, your blessed gifts naturally emerge into the light of day and will benefit all beings.

Healing plants and simple rituals free your spirit so you’ll let your light shine. Don’t hold back!

You don't need to be perfect, or even whatever you imagine is "good enough". You are needed, just as you are.

At Summer Solstice, when we are at the zenith of light, everything is illuminated.

The New Moon in Gemini that happened a few days earlier is adding a special spark of clarity and power to our heartfelt intentions.

Nature is coming into lush abundance and so, too, can your intentions.

Call them forth with joy and then dedicate yourself to practicing them!

Fire is the element most strongly associated with summer solstice and one of my favorite rituals is to leap over a bonfire, or a candle, solo, or in circle, to make sacred summer wishes. Wishes aren’t intentions, they simply need to be sung out to the Universe with an openness to see which come true!

May the Fire of Summer light your passions

May the Water of Cancer season inspire your creativity to flow freely

May we unite in our diversity to bring compassion and connection to the Foreground of our lives.

The Goddess is Rising
Blessed be!

Making Rose Honey

Click on the picture to watch a video of me explaining my most recent rose honey experiment!


Caring for Ourselves and the Earth


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