There's more to Self-Love than masturbation — Beltane Recipes

It's that magical time of year... Merry May! An invitation to Beltane Bliss! The flowering of our fertile earth encourages us to rejoice in our sensuality and sexuality, to blossom and have fun!!

There is more to self-love than masturbation!

I have nothing against that, though I personally prefer the term Self-pleasuring. Self-pleasuring can include that, and so much more!

A few sexy infused oils that can enhance sensual pleasure, whether you are self-pleasuring or playing with your lover or lovers, are infused rose oil, infused black birch oil, and unrefined coconut oil.

*Note: None of these are compatible with condoms.

Here's a lovely Beltane infusion I enjoyed this year with the following dried herbs.

Faery Delight

  • 3/4 cup - Violet leaves (flowers would have been lovely in it, too)

  • 1 cup - Linden Blossoms

  • 1 cup - Hawthorn blossoms and leaves

Put the dried herbs into a 1/2 gallon jar or pot, and cover them with boiling water, and let the herbs sit steeping, covered, for about 4 hours. Delicious and Delightful!

Cherry Blossom Vinegar

<— Click on the picture to watch a video of me teaching a group of apprentices how to make one of my favorite medicines — Kwanzan Cherry Blossom Vinegar, or what I like to call — Joy Medicine!

And NOW is their season around here!!


Summer Wishes, Intentions, and Herbs, Oh My!


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