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May 29 Weed Walk with Robin Rose Bennett

Please email my assistant if you want to be on a wait list in case of cancellation or notified for another local walk.

Come delight in the discovery that wild food and herbal medicine is all around us wherever we live. Enjoy an uplifting and sensory educational experience identifying, sniffing, and tasting the wild local plants that are often dismissed as mere weeds. The plants you likely spend hours pulling out of your garden may become your new best friends when you discover that plantain stops the itch of a mosquito bite, dandelion leaves strengthen kidneys and ease blood pressure, and violets are rich in salicylic acid and can reduce headache pain! Nature is a marvelous teacher and ally and Robin Rose has been leading people on “weed walks” for 30 years. This will be a relaxing stroll through lawn and gardens and fun for all ages.

Location: Brown's Point Park near West Milford, NJ, Park and Ride. There is an 11:30 AM NJ transit bus that goes to this location from the Port Authority Bus station in NYC. If you need more information, please email my assistant.

$35 adults, children under 12 free, and persons 12-18 or students are $17 (my assistant can help you with student tickets).

May 1

Accessible Herbal Medicine the Wisewoman Way

June 21

Summer Solstice Ritual Celebration!